Professional Custom Web Design & Development

Technologies & Tools

  • Magento

  • WordPress

  • Shopify

  • UX/UI

  • Architecure

  • Custom Themes

  • PHP

  • JavaScript

  • CSS3

  • SASS

  • LESS

  • B2B

  • B2C

  • Responsive

  • Multi Country & Language

  • Admin Training

  • GIT

  • Grunt

  • Multistore

  • Gulp

  • Instagram Feed

  • Email Templating

  • Olapic

  • Yotpo

  • Photoshop

  • Illustrator

  • InDesign

Other Projects

  • Bambo Nature

  • Pixafy

  • Sugarpova

  • Palladiuim

  • CR7

  • EOS

  • Yummie

  • PatchStop

  • Supersilk

  • Ceci NY

  • Ballet Beautiful

  • StockUp Express

  • Love Pastry

  • Novo Surgical

  • Switch Playground USA

  • Senal

  • Gloss48

Caroline Gabriel

About Caroline Gabriel

Caroline is a web designer that specializes in creative and engaging websites. With more than 10 years of experience working with high profile companies, she is well versed in what it takes to create and implement stunning designs.