Responsive Styles & Optimization
Microsite: Custom Card Builder

Lead Front-End Developer, UX Designer



  • Expand the market segment and bring more traffic to the site.
  • Create a Custom Card Builder allowing users to upload images and print personal baseball cards.


  • Adapted the existing Magento website into a fully responsive experience.
  • Redesigned site navigation.
  • Overhauled layouts and imagery.
  • Optimized the code base.
  • Planned and documented the necessary work for implementing the Custom Card feature: user-flow, wireframes and technical specs documents were created to assess all the complexities and viability of the project.


  • Making the site fully responsive allowed more users to access the site from different devices which increased traffic.
  • Updating layouts and imagery improved user experience for all age ranges.
  • By laying out everything required for the development of the Custom Card feature, the customer was able to accurately weigh the ROI for implementing this feature saving them time and money.
  • Magento

  • Responsive

  • Multistore

  • Architecture

  • UX

  • PHP

  • JS

  • CSS

  • GIT

Integrated Mobile Navigation
Wireframes in Balsamiq
Caroline Gabriel

About Caroline Gabriel

Caroline is a web designer that specializes in creative and engaging websites. With more than 10 years of experience working with high profile companies, she is well versed in what it takes to create and implement stunning designs.

Other Projects

  • Bambo Nature

  • Pixafy

  • Sugarpova

  • Palladiuim

  • CR7

  • EOS

  • Yummie

  • PatchStop

  • Supersilk

  • Ceci NY

  • Ballet Beautiful

  • StockUp Express

  • Love Pastry

  • Novo Surgical

  • Switch Playground USA

  • Senal

  • Gloss48