Community Driven Multi-Language Portal

UX/ UI Designer & Lead Developer



  • Create a custom registration user path and different levels of user access to content and user management.
  • Address translation of interface and content for both front-end and backend users.


  • Created a custom theme and plugin extension that allows new registration by invitation only, along with custom user registration, profile listing and editing, user-generated content and different levels of administrator permissions.
  • Implemented a language switcher with a fully translated theme and admin panel, along with administrator override of content when needed.


  • Leveraging existing plugins (Gravity Forms & Members) with custom modules allowed the quick development of complex user paths, with a high level of automated responses.
  • Expanded the portal reach to the target audience in their own language and facilitated the admin team tasks.
  • WordPress

  • Responsive

  • Multi-Language

  • Design & Architecture

  • PHP + SQL

  • JS

  • SASS

  • Grunt

  • GIT

  • Admin Training

Members, Profile View, About Page
Groups User Flow and Groups Widget Views
Caroline Gabriel

About Caroline Gabriel

Caroline is a web designer that specializes in creative and engaging websites. With more than 10 years of experience working with high profile companies, she is well versed in what it takes to create and implement stunning designs.

Other Projects

  • Bambo Nature

  • Pixafy

  • Sugarpova

  • Palladiuim

  • CR7

  • EOS

  • Yummie

  • PatchStop

  • Supersilk

  • Ceci NY

  • Ballet Beautiful

  • StockUp Express

  • Love Pastry

  • Novo Surgical

  • Switch Playground USA

  • Senal

  • Gloss48